Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hey Norm!

With the pages of the calender flying off... okay...  clicking over in my blackberry... I am realizing that the freedom that I enjoyed as a child has led to an addictive personality as a... heh, heh... adult.
Of course the biggie has to be alcohol. I have tiptoed around becoming a bona fide alcoholic for awhile. I go through phases of afternoon drunk a few times a week and then my liver goes on strike and then my house goes dry for a few weeks. But its not just the obvious.  I don't have tv. I watch a few shows online but don't ever sit down and watch television. Until... Netflix. Its created a monster. Out of sheer boredom one day I put on an episode of Cheers. Now 121 episodes later (in only 1 week) I am actually stiff from lack of movement. Come on! Its a funny show but there are still another 128 episodes to go! Each episode is 24 minutes. That means in the last week I have spent 2,904 minutes sitting on the couch. Thats 48 hours. 2 entire days of my life have gone to watching old episodes of Cheers. This is a sad statement. Even worse... I am about to commit another 2.5 days to the cause.
Ohhh... gotta go... here comes Norm!